Monday, August 22, 2011

We're back!

Yes, I realize it has been roughly 8 months since I posted anything to this blog...but that certainly doesn't mean we haven't been busy.  We continue to write informative little pieces on the 'iPad experiment' and are actually digging a little deeper into the data in an effort to write something for an academic journal.  In the meantime, here's a little reading assignment

On a more interesting front, tomorrow I kick off my Project Management course - the same one we did last year with the iPads. I'm sure this is going to strike a blow to the legions of Apple followers who have taken me in as one of their own over the past year, but we are going to be using Samsung GalaxyTab 10.1 devices with the Android Honeycomb operating system this fall.  Begin the chorus of boos from the Apple fans.... Listen, I love the iPad...but in my limited time with the GalaxyTab I'm starting to love it too!  Having a competitive product in this marketplace can do nothing but improve both devices and I'm all for variety.  I should be clear that we are not doing a comparison study: we are just evaluating the pros/cons of tablets in higher education.  While inevitably there are likely to be some comparisons, our intent is not to 'choose' or even 'endorse' a single device.  Much more to come... 

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to your comments on the Galaxy Tablet. I too am an iPad user and the lack of FLASH and a few other things does make me wonder about the "other side". I have a KINDLE Fire (which I really like for entertainment) but do not think it will work for "serious study".
